If you are interested in reprints of particular papers, please feel free to contact me for reprint requests. The majority of papers will only be available as a hard-copy, though.
English books
Most of my books are published in German, only. However, two titles were originally pulished in or translated to English. Unfortunately, they are no more available. There are, however, a small number of author copies left, so you may request one of these books (conditions see below). Please feel free to contact me if you are interested to get one.
G. Ullrich (Editor)
Psychology in Medical Settings: Lung Transplantation and Cystic fibrosis.
1. edition (2010), 268 pages. Books-on-Demand
Former ISBN 978-3-8391-4636-1; hardcover (€ 38,-)
Former ISBN 978-3-8391-4725-2; paperback (€ 21,-)
You can get the paperback author copy at a 50% discount.
This book comprises recent studies and lectures that have been presented at European conferences, but so far hadn't been published as a full paper. If you want some more information please click here.
One chapter describes workshops to introduce the idea of Motivational Interviewing to CF teams. If you are interested, you may download this chapter for free.
by G. Ullrich
Lung transplantation through the patient's eyes.
in association with E. Scharf, S. Schmidt, J. Penkert, H. Jänsch, H.-J. Bartig, J. Niedermeyer & W. Schulz
1. edition (2008), 155 pages, Books on Demand, Norderstedt, Germany
Former ISBN 978-3-8370-4862-9 (18,- €/ 24,50 $/ 14,- BP)
You can get an author copy of this book for free. Please mind to tell me your complete postal address written in clear capital letters.
This book attempts to describe lung transplantation as an "out of the ordinary" period in life.
It is aimed primarily at people affected by this situation: at people waiting for a transplant who want to think carefully about what might be going to happen to them, or at people who have already had a transplant and want to compare their experiences with those of others who have undergone the same thing; also at relatives and friends of those affected who are wondering what might be involved in the decision to have a transplant and in what respect their support might be required. It goes without saying, however, that the book is also written for interested laypeople and professionals alike. For the latter, there are references in the footnotes at various points to the literature used or dealing with a topic in greater depth.
The book has been positively reviewed in "CF WorldWide". If you are interested klick here.