The idea behind my freelance activities
Today, there are countless opportunities to gather information. However, as a drawback and unless you are a full-time academic, you and most of the other clincial psychologists will not be able to keep up with new publications, even within your clinical specialty. In addition, you can't be sure that scientific news are of clinical significance, too. There is a growing gap between delivery of care and health research.
Well-equipped both with clinical as well as with academic experience part of my freelance activity was devoted to arrange scientific news as well as other usefull documents (from the INTERNET) to support multiprofessional teams in their struggle to deliver patient-centred, high-quality, evidence-based care.
My "products" at a glimpse
I developed four kinds of training:
- Pamphlets (delivered to health care providers by pharmaceutical companies who act as Sponsors)
- Lectures (aimed at professionals as well as at patients and their relatives)
- Workshops and classes (aimed at multiprofessional teams)
- Small group meetings, called multiprofessional or "interdisciplinary dialogue" and aimed at particular (homogenous) professional groups
Pamphlets were issued four times a year. Two issues reviewed the scientific literature on psychosocial aspects in cystic fibrosis, one issue summarized important results from the European CF conference, and one issue was devoted to free special topics (e.g. breaking bad news).
I have developed a series of (inhouse) workshops that mostly were designed for multiprofessional teams. The logic behind was that non-academic professionals (nurses, physiotherapists, dietitians, social workers) play an extremely important role in clinical practice, but - for several reasons - they often have insufficient access to research findings as well as to the current discussion on concepts und findings, at least in Germany.
Cystic fibrosis was the disease that these seminars and workshops started from, but their topics actually were rather generic and applied to other chronic conditions as well.
Predominant themes of these workshops (of mainly 2-3h duration) were: adherence, developmental psychological aspects of chronic disease, patient-caregiver-communication and patient centered medicine, palliative care, transitional care.
Apart from this, I also offered team-centered inhouse workshops (of 1,5 days duration) to introduce the idea of "Motivational Interviewing" (Miller & Rollnick) to multiprofessional health practitioners. Results of workshops for CF-teams have been described here.
Interdisciplinary dialogue
Unlike my other products, the target group of "Interdisciplinary dialogue" was just one professional group of the health care team, respectively (e.g. only physiotherapists or dieticians). The trainings took place as "Mini-Workshops" (4-7 particiants, only) at my office in Schwerin while all other workshops were performed inhouse.
The idea behind these trainings (two half days) were to
1) bring some of the basic concepts of health psychology (adherence, concordance, shared decision making, health beliefs, methods of counselling/ Motivational Interviewing) to different groups of the multiprofessional team
2) to refer these concepts more specifically to the problems and situations the respective professional group were confronted with in CF care.
3) to allow for some sort of self-reflections as well as practice
While originally adressing every single professional group in the health care team (except for psychologist and social workers who were invited AS "psychosocial" professionals) the only training that proved to be well appreciated and that was performed repeatedly during a couple of years was the one for physiotherapists.