With the limitation of my professional activities to my private practice and to the part-time work at our local hospital's cancer center, many strands on which I used to work have become "history", at least for me. At the same time, however, it may be that the insights I have gained in various projects and the large number of publications I have compiled in almost 30 years of clinical academic work are still of interest to someone and useful.
For this reason you will find information about my previous projects on this website as well as on the subordinate websites.
- You will find a chronological list of research projects and studies that I was engaged in, mainly as a Clinical Psychologist at the Dept. of Pediatrics at Hanover Medcial School and with research activities primarily devoted to Cystic fibrosis.
- You will also find a summary of my freelance activities that I started 2005 on a part-time basis and performed full-time from 2009 thru 2016.