Profil Profile 
  • As of July 2024 retired, but at a low rate still active in private  practice (psychotherapy and psychooncology).
  • 2017 thru 2024 self-employed psychotherapist and part-time employment at the Department of Oncology at HELIOS Kliniken Schwerin
  • 2009 thru 2016 self-employed psychotherapist, trainer and scientist (with a focus on psychology in medical settings, respectively)
  • 1987 thru 2009 significant membership in different multiprofessional teams at  Hanover Medical School and at Lübeck University Hospital.
  • 1992 Doctorate as Dr. rer. biol hum. at Hanover Medical School
  • 1979-1985 Studied clinical psychology (diploma) und sociology (M.a.) in Göttingen with a degree in psychology (11/1985)
  • Born in Bielefeld (NRW), Germany, on 10th of october 1959

Numerous studies, particularly regarding psychosocial aspects in cystic fibrosis, and more than 100 articles published in Journals and books.