Kurzbiografie Curriculum vitae 


Clinical research in cystic fibrosis with a focus on nutrition and on P. aeruginosa infection

Current projects: Disease-specific patient satisfaction in paediatric patients with chronic diseases (cystic fibrosis, diabetes, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis)

You will find further informationen on current research activities here (German language, only). 

Past positions

1997 to 2008 Consultant at the CF-Centre Hamburg-Altona (part-time)
1996                Adult CF-Centre, Dept. of Pulmonology, Hannover Medical School (part-time)
1995 to 1996 Head of Clinical Research I, Glaxo Wellcome GmbH, Hamburg
1993 to 1995 Clinical Research Physician at Wellcome GmbH, Burgwedel
1986 to 1993 Head of CF-Centre, Dept. of Paediatric Pulmonology, Hannover Medical School
1982 to 1986 Senior house officer (Assistenzarzt), Dept. of Paediatric Pulmonology, 
                          Hannover Medical School
1980 to 1982 Senior house officer (Assistenzarzt), Dept. of Paediatrics, Städtisches
                          Krankenhaus Salzgitter-Lebenstedt

Academic education and training

2009 Certificate in Motivational Interviewing, GK Quest Academy, Heidelberg
2004 Professorship for Paediatrics (apl., honorary) at Hannover Medical School
2000 Certificate "Management of Health and Social Services", Open University Course,
           University Kaiserslautern
1999 Certificate "Total Quality Management", Open University Course, University
1993 Senior Lecturer (Privatdozentin) for Paediatrics at Hannover Medical School
1981 Medical doctorate, University of Hamburg
1980 Medical state examination, University of Hamburg